コンタクトヨガ&タイヨガマッサージワークショップ 2012/9/17(月)祝日

Posted by on 9月 11, 2012 in EVENTS | 0 comments

Contact Yoga & Thai Yoga Special Workshop with Sebastian Bruno







 <What is CONTACT YOGA?>



1) サークルをつくって皆さんとのコミュニケーションを深めます。

2) ヨガのポーズで身体を温めていきます。

3) パートナーヨガをします。 足の下がりがちな血流まで促すヨガをしていきます。

4) フライヤー(飛ぶ人)、ベース(下で支える人)、スポッター(助ける人)のチームワークでコンタクトヨガをします。

5) タイマッサージでお互いに敬意を表し、お礼をします。



過去のコンタクトヨガの様子  -You Tube-



<Thai Yoga Massage>










Sebastian Bruno will be back to Japan! It’s been for two years!

This Workshop will be mixed with Contact Yoga , Thai Yoga Massage and  5elements.


<Contact Yoga>

Contact Yoga blends the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the loving kindness of Thai massage, the trust and surrender of contact improvisation and the playfulness of our hearts.
Together, as individuals and as a group, we create a sacred space where we can connect deeper and deeper.
Depending on individual needs, this workshop will contain the following:
*Circle Ceremony  time to get acquainted.
*Warm-up  a series of simple yoga postures for warming up the body.
*Partner Flow  physical contact is initiated between partners who either mirror or counter each other in asana.
*Inversions  one partner either spots or bases the other to assist them in achieving inverted postures.
*Flying  a flyer feels the actual sensation of free flight while supported solely by a base.
*Thai Massage  once the flying session is complete, the teacher guides a simple massage sequence so you can show thanks to your contact yoga partner.

**All levels are VERY welcome!! play with  us!


<Thai Yoga Massage>

Thai Yoga Massage

 ThaI Yoga Massage is a spiritual practice that incorporates the Buddhist principles of mindfulness ( Vipassana) and loving kindness ( Metta)
 Powerful yogic stretches are applied carefully along with a slow deep acupressure technique. This ancient massage works both the gross muscular level of the recipient, as well as the subtle energy level of the body.The recipient experiences this as a relaxed supported body work that creates a profound sense of space and relaxation in the entire being.


Sebastian Bruno is the Senior Teacher and Co Director of the Unity International School of Massage in KohPhangan, Thailand. He was born in Portugal 1979 and has been learning, practicing and sharing Thai Massage bodywork and other healing arts for the past 7 years.
Sebastian studied Thai Massage with the respected Master Rahul Barthi in Nepal 2003, where he completed over 300 hours and was authorized and certified to practice and teach Thai Massage by The Healing Hands Foundation. In 2005, Sebastian completed a 300 hour GCT program (Government Certified Teacher) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and is authorized and certified to teach Thai Massage, Thai Massage on Table and Thai Foot Reflexology by TMC and the Thai Ministry of Education.
Sebastian travels regularly to Chiang Mai to deepen his understanding and practice in Thai Healing Arts with the revered Master Ajahrn Pichet. Advanced practitioner and instructor of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, Thai Massage, Sundoor certified Firewalking Instructor, Yoga, Qi Gong, Taoist Healing Practices and Active Meditations, Sebastian as been teaching and practicing professionaly from Portugal to Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Marocco, Thailand, Japan and Nepal.Dedicated, devoted and passionate to share these ancient healing arts Sebastian spends most of his time in Thailand where he his a resident teacher and therapist at The Sanctuay Healing Resort in the beautiful island of Koh Phangan.


Date&Time; September/17th/2012(Mon)   9月17日(月) 14:00-17:00

appointment necessary(要予約); love.and.light.yuriyoga@gmail.com  /  080-4402-8392

Price;  5,000円  **時間たっぷり!!3時間のワークショップ



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